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Do This, Not That: 3 Ways to Speed Up Low-Code Application Development

Michelle Gardner, Appian
May 13, 2021

Low-code application development went mainstream in 2020—and it continues to pick up speed. Forrester predicts that by the end of 2021, 75 percent of development shops will use low-code platforms (up from just 44 percent in 2020)[1].

Unfortunately, many IT teams are only scratching the surface of low-code’s power. Why? Because they’re running low-code projects with traditional high-code development practices. That’s like putting a minivan engine in a race car. You’ll eventually make it to your destination, but if you want to see its full power, you need a turbocharged machine.

To reach the full potential of low-code, avoid outdated, slow-going development approaches in favor of some key agile practices that will put your application development on the fast track. Start with these three areas and learn more in the infographic below.

User Feedback

Do This: Bring business users in early so they can give input on ideas as they take shape before their eyes. Prototyping lets you get fast feedback and show value throughout the process rather than all at the end.

Not That: Classic waterfall development means users are brought in at set times in the process, when it’s often too late for valuable feedback.


Requirements Gathering

Do This: The best solutions emerge when business users and developers create applications together. Work with your end users to uncover hidden or unexpressed needs, and then brainstorm solutions together.

Not That: In traditional high-code approaches, developers work off a detailed requirements document but don’t talk regularly to users. This often results in solutions that may or may not actually solve the users’ problems.


Team Structure

Do This: Small, cross-trained development teams require less coordination, fewer dependencies, and minimal delays. This helps them develop applications faster than with a traditional high-code approach.

Not That: Traditional development teams are larger, more specialized, and full of dependencies. Lots of starts and stops means it takes a long time to bring an application to life.


Agile Meets Low-Code

With the right approach, low-code helps you build applications fast and right the first time. Leave your high-code methods behind and start embracing a few key agile best practices to optimize your low-code application development.

You can find more best practices, tools, templates, and other resources to optimize your low-code efforts in the Appian Delivery Methodology.


[1] Forrester Predictions 2021: Software Development.