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Deloitte Robotics

Deloitte’s Robotics Center of Excellence (CoE) is the only specialized center dedicated to process automation technologies in Spain and an international reference hub within Deloitte.

Created in 2017 to accelerate processes and robotic innovation, it brings together more than 100 professionals who are integrated into a team of more than 4,000 Deloitte professional services specialists around the world.

Deloitte Robotics: Automating 100+ Processes with Appian

Business Problem.

The Robotics experts at Deloitte are faced with the need to respond to the new challenges posed by intelligent automation projects:

  • RPA implementations have a lot of momentum initially but often end up being limited to simple, departmental projects that do not progress towards more far-reaching initiatives across the enterprise.
  • End-to-end process automation involves coordination of human labor, software bots, artificial intelligence, and other automation technologies. This is an increasingly pressing need in companies that not all RPA providers know how to address.
  • Implementing strategic automation programs with centralized management of robotic activities is a goal that is still far from being achieved for most organizations.

Furthermore, having multiple RPA solutions coexist in the same organization only increases the complexity and challenges of governance and orchestration.

Appian Solution.

Deloitte has chosen Appian to provide RPA as a strategic technology because of its power for centralized robotic governance that is especially important in processes that require:

  • Configurable and scalable bots that automatically adjust tasks and execution capabilities according to variable demand peaks and business needs.
  • Complex ecosystems: infrastructures with multiple resources and processes running in parallel. Appian RPA enables permission management, making it easy for each user to access only the bots they need while allowing administrators to maintain centralized management of the automation ecosystem.
  • Advanced resource management to enable and disable the resources where the bots are running for better orchestration. Central deployment of bots from the console to the resources allows for agile and continuous production.
  • Cloud deployment options simplify access and RPA adoption while meeting the most stringent security requirements.

For Deloitte’s Robotics team, a key aspect of successful automation deployment is advanced exceptions management functionality that enables rapid problem resolution, integrating human resources into robotic workflows without friction.

Learn more.

Deloitte Robotics has Automated 100+ Robotic Processes with Appian RPA