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Charities Trust

Charities Trust distributes more than 100 million pounds every year with more than 50,000 charities benefitting over the past decade. Supporting over 1,000 corporations and their employees across the globe to manage their giving, ensuring that more money gets to the charities and good causes as quickly and tax efficiently as possible.

Charities Trust - Managing Millions in Charitable Giving


Business Problem

Charities Trust, like most businesses, face increased demand from their clients, employees and beneficiaries for a greater number of digital services and a faster time to deployment. Coupling this demand with a more complex financial services regulatory environment meant the IT function at Charities Trust had to increase productivity and efficiency to meet demand. Critical areas such as on-boarding new customers, managing vetted charities, and marquee campaigns needed a new approach to be successful in an increasingly challenging environment.

Appian Solution

Charities Trust deployed customer-on-boarding application that leverages the speed and power of Appian’s low-code business process management cloud platform.

This first Appian application, called “Charity Portal,” streamlines on-boarding and lifetime relationship management for the organisation’s registered charities. While improving visibility and responsiveness for the charities, it also provides the company with centralised, auditable, and sustainable processes. On web and mobile devices, the application will unite users, data, and processes in simple interfaces that accelerate decision-making and action.

In addition to Charity Portal, Appian will also deliver applications to improve the omnichannel experience for Charities Trust, its donors and charity organisations. Most recently Appian played a key role in the delivery of the national Newspaper appeals, processing over 3 Million of charitable donations to good causes over the Christmas period, streamlining all core aspects of the processes.

Learn More

Charities Trust Selects Appian for New Charity Portal to Distribute Over £100 Million in Donations per Annum