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Être le meilleur en matière de service clientèle dans un monde omnicanal

Jenna Harvey, Global Manager, Emerging Industries
August 14, 2018

Il est indispensable de fournir un service clientèle exceptionnel pour attirer et fidéliser des clients. Les technologies émergentes et l'évolution des attentes des clients à l'ère du numérique perturbent le fonctionnement des centres d'appels classiques et compliquent la prestation de services aux clients réalisée par les entreprises.Nous avons fait appel à Craig Le Clair, vice-président, analyste en chef pour Forrester, afin d'avoir son point de vue sur cinq questions brûlantes à propos de la convergence entre les technologies et l'impact sur le service clientèle. Craig Le Clair est un spécialiste reconnu à l'échelle mondiale pour aider les entreprises à procéder à une transformation, dans des domaines tels que la Robotic Process Automation, le Case Management dynamique, les solutions d'IA, la communication des clients et d'autres technologies à l'origine de bouleversements.

Les entreprises étant sur le point de transformer leur stratégie commerciale pour offrir une excellente expérience client, cet entretien incontournable met en avant des concepts importants à prendre en compte. Et... il est bien possible que les réponses de Craig vous surprennent !

Relever les défis des cas complexes avec le Case Management dynamique

Appian: Why does Case Management continue to be central to effective customer service?

Le Clair: The simple tasks are being automated rapidly and handled self service via chatbots or the customer website. This means that the calls that now come in to the contact center are more likely to be harder and complex exceptions, that a Dynamic Case Management (DCM) solution handles well. Processing of submissions and claims of all kinds—customer onboarding, loan origination, healthcare, and customer inquiry responses—fits into the wide range of customer-facing situations where DCM applies. For example, imagine a letter from a recently divorced bank customer. He wants a change of address so that he can close the joint bank account, set up two college trust funds for his children, and transfer pension funds. Of course, the bank wants to deal with the customer request as efficiently and effectively as possible, but it also needs to consider regulations—for example, the pension rights might be subject to final adjudication by a court.

Instead of treating all work items the same way by routing them down the same preordained path, DCM recognizes that complex work takes many different paths based on the situation at any given time. DCM also empowers customer service agents to complete more of the work assignment themselves rather than carving work into lots of discrete parts.

Clearly, the organization would not have a standard process definition to deal with an increasing number of multifaceted customer requests. Traditional Business Process Management (BPM) would involve creating a separate work item for each aspect of the issue. On the other hand, a DCM approach would involve treating the customer requirement as a single request with a link into needed repositories and a dynamically created set of tasks based on the context. The customer service representative would dynamically bind simple processes—some of which might be triggered automatically—to handle each facet of that request.

Commencer par les employés en ce qui concerne l'adoption d'un agent conversationnel fondé sur l'IA

Appian: How is intelligent automation—including AI—disrupting the agent and customer experience?

Le Clair: As of today, there has been only moderate disruption. Adoption of chatbots are an example. They are the emerging user interface particularly for the younger set. Drop-downs, search screens, and clever navigations aren't necessary for many machine interactions. In fact, they can get in the way. Millennials simply want to text a question and get an answer. They don’t really want to download a clumsy mobile app. Crisp text messaging without precise spelling and construction, using NLP and natural language generation (NLG), is the preferred interaction for Millennials. Hint: Older generations may prefer it, too!

Chatbot’s future in the contact center is secure, but they are not quite ready. A major telco is handling 6 million requests a month with chatbots, but these are assisted by humans in the background not autonomous. Let’s look at autonomous AI-based chatbot adoption. It’s not good. Chatbot success rate for areas like customer service is low, with some early adopters pulling back. Facebook scaled back AI after chatbots hit a 70% failure rate. Why the high rate of failure? Chatbots aren't sophisticated enough to hold up their end of a social relationship. They can be boring, lose context over time, repeat themselves, or respond to keywords only. Let's face it. Humans today just don’t have patience.

But why is this surprising? Why do we expect a machine to be as adept as humans at communication? Early humans that couldn't distinguish a friend from a foe didn't evolve as rapidly as those that could. Humans evolved to communicate with each other with verbal and nonverbal nuances that follow complex rules. These advanced ways, despite Alexa in your kitchen and AI excitement, are difficult to program into a computer today. Machines today stumble at human interaction. Their ability to act human is overstated in the general media and leads to an unrealistic expectation for AI.

It will be four or five years before humans can reliably converse with machines. Businesses realizing this are investing in chatbots that interact with employees first. They recognize that a “centaur-based approach,” is best today, one that allows humans to do what humans do best, and let machines show their talents.

Des gains de productivité avec la Robotic Process Automation

Appian : en quoi la RPA, en particulier, transforme-t-elle les opérations et les processus clients ?

Le Clair : la Robotic Process Automation (RPA) est utile pour aider les agents. Dans ce cas, appelé « mode assisté » en langage RPA, un agent peut initier un agent numérique depuis son poste de travail. L'agent numérique peut créer un document et l'envoyer à un client, se charger des mises à jour des systèmes de gestion de la relation clients, commander quelque chose pour un client ou mettre à jour un système financier back-end. Comme illustré ci-dessous, la RPA offre au centre d'appels une amélioration de sa productivité de 0,4 à 1,2.

Graph showing the benefits of Robotic Process Automation in a Call center

La cartographie du parcours clients est indispensable pour l'omnicanal

Appian: What does it mean to have an omni-channel environment versus multi-channel support? What is the impact on engagement?

Le Clair: Multi-channel is simply giving your customer several channels to use such as voice, web, e-mail, text, and perhaps a chat interface. Omni-channel implies understanding the context of the customer, what they are trying to accomplish. It requires absorbing information across the channels and mapping it to the customer journey. In this way, an enterprise can understand the customer goals and create a more useful and enjoyable outcome. The simple chart below explains the difference.

The Omni-channel Challenge Infographic

Une plateforme agile est le fondement

Appian: Why is it important for a platform to combine customer engagement, case management, and intelligent automation to deliver effective customer experience?

Le Clair: Tying these elements together in one platform allows organizations to quickly build and deploy contact center software that can handle the increased complexity of service requests, incident management, and investigative work. With a more agile layer that unifies data from existing systems, automates repetitive work, and optimizes processes, organizations have a better understanding of customer context that can be used to drive action. This transforms how organizations engage with customers, enabling increased personalization, faster resolution, and a seamless customer experience.

Redéfinir l'engagement client

La communication omnicanale, l'automatisation intelligente, l'intelligence artificielle (IA) et le Case Management fusionnent pour transformer de manière irréversible la façon dont les entreprises servent leurs clients.

Pour en savoir plus sur la façon dont la convergence de ces technologies redéfinit les opérations d'entreprise et transforme l'expérience client, visionnez le webinaire à la demande La nouvelle réalité de l'engagement client avec l'orateur présenté ici Craig Le Clair.

Jenna Harvey

Responsable, Marketing Industrie