The continued adoption of electronic health records across the medical industry is helping improve patient care and workflow throughout health care facilities, but care providers need to be aware of the risks that lax security and general practice can bring at the same time. According to FierceGovernmentIT, the FBI recently warned the health care industry that falling short on security standards will leave critical systems vulnerable as they transition to EHRs.
"The healthcare industry is not as resilient to cyber intrusions compared to the financial and retail sectors, therefore the possibility of increased cyber intrusions is likely," the FBI said in a private industry notification dated April 8.
In order to reduce these threats medical facilities need to consider not only their cybersecurity, but their business process management solutions that facilitate the use of EHRs and patient data. By deploying BPM software for healthcare, hospitals and small practices can enhance the flow of information throughout everyday processes and ensure they are maintaining a minimum level of security and operational integrity at all times. This can support the performance boost offered by EHRs while meeting security risks head on for any practice.
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