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Streamlining government IT

Cindy Cheng, ​Sr. Director of Marketing Communications, EMEA, Appian
September 20, 2013

When it comes to IT failures, there is no margin for error. Any IT decision maker has to minimize problems and aim for success at every turn, but as the scope of demands increases, so too do the challenges with achieving these goals.

In the federal government, the scope of IT issues are much broader than nearly any other vertical, and as such failure is a more common occurrence. Gaining success can come at great cost or risk, and any effort to minimize loss and improve success rates is an advantage for IT decision makers in this sector. However, the tools to accomplish these goals aren't always as clear cut as the need for them.

In order to optimize workflow and start seeing the results they so desperately want, government IT leaders may need to invest in new solutions to address their everyday needs - BPM software. With process management software in place, many will quickly see growing success, but more importantly, shrinking price tags.

The cost-to-success ratio that many government offices see is becoming unacceptable, and by embracing improved process management solutions IT decision makers can start making a difference here. Issues like waterfall development and forcing solutions to fit the problems no longer work as technology improves and the IT demands become more complex.

For one, government IT leaders will need to stop purchasing commercial off-the-shelf technologies to address their needs. Customizable BPM solutions can provide more scalable, optimizable solutions for many of the same risks and do so without creating additional problems that need to be solved. By embracing more efficient process management, agencies will be able to streamline additional ares of operation as well, which will in turn lead toward further improvements.

By putting BPM at the core of IT problem solving, government officials are ensuring that the technology they utilize meet their needs and are optimized not only for general workflow, but for the new trends hitting their offices as well. Mobility, cloud computing and social operations are all becoming increasingly important to professionals, and the right BPM investment will address all of them.

For government BPM needs, Appian provides mobile, cloud and social solutions to fit the bill. Process management isn't just a task, but a way to define growth and improvement as a vital aspect of operations.

Cindy Cheng

Director of Product Marketing