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Use Case: Regulatory Information Management

This large multi-national pharmaceutical company, with a global presence across more than 150 countries, came to Appian to address regulatory compliance challenges on a global scale.

Business Problem

The organization is required to track and meet compliance regulations for more than 1,000 products around the world. The company struggled in balancing quality and compliance with the need to take each new drug to market as quickly as possible. Relevant information was captured and stored in a multitude of silos across the global business. There was heavy reliance on manual processes, SharePoint, and Excel files. The company could not achieve comprehensive awareness of its global portfolio, and internal audits had uncovered significant gaps in compliance, putting the company at risk.

Appian Solution

Using Appian, the company created a Regulatory Submission Management Platform that simplifies the end-to-end business processes focused on planning, regulatory compliance, and productivity. Appian eliminated data silos by creating a “single authoritative truth,” converging all data from across systems and creating a single, intuitive platform for use across multiple global departments. The solution has reduced time to market for new drugs across regions, increased compliance to more than 99%, and significantly decreased legacy system maintenance costs.

Learn More

The Platform Approach to Solving Pharma Compliance Challenges