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Interested in switching to Appian?

Are you looking for an alternative to Pega as a platform for process automation and low-code development?

Appian is THE platform that easily can replace Pega for powerful and scalable case management and workflow applications without large and complex coding efforts.

We recognize that switching can be challenging both technically and economically so we have designed a set of offerings to make your migration as EASY as possible.

Our Pega Replacement Plan includes:

  • Flexible licensing options that scale from one process application to your whole Pega program that can help you manage difficult budgetary situations and quickly prove the value of Appian
  • Free developer training & certification enables you to easily convert your Pega certified practitioners to Appian.
  • Transition services from expert Appian Customer Success consultants and our partners to provide in-depth evaluations and architecture support services to accelerate your move
  • Free Access to the Appian Community Edition to allow your team to start learning and building on the Appian Platform today

The $2 billion judgement against Pega. Get the facts.

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