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With over 40 years of experience, Garsa (Gestores Administrativos Reunidos) provides mortgage and asset management for the largest financial services companies in Spain, as well as Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) services for banking and real estate organizations. Garsa is rapidly expanding to meet the needs of their more than 1 million customers, with 800+ employees in 25 offices throughout Spain.

Garsa: Saves up to €30,000 Euros per Month with New Digital Mortgage Automation

Business Problem

Garsa manages large volumes of administrative tasks related to mortgage applications, credit approvals, tax management, and other financial transactions. In order to provide fast service and a great customer experience (CX), Garsa must incorporate multiple applications and data sources, adding complexity to their processes.

In 2020, moratoria requests, a procedure that allows a customer to modify terms in order to delay a mortgage payment, increased considerably due to economic impacts caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Appian Solution

Garsa uses the Appian Low-Code Automation Platform to help customers solve their most urgent challenges by:

  • Automating and accelerating existing processes during workload peaks.
  • Deploying a new moratorium process which automates communications, document processing, and management for its public filing and registration process.

Garsa uses Appian to rapidly build and deploy automated solutions for customers. with more than 50,000 items and tasks automated per month. Garsa has seen average savings between 1,500 to 30,000 euros per month depending on the process and volume executions.

“Appian is allowing us to focus on higher-value work, to shift time previously spent on administrative tasks to more engaging activities that allows us to think, develop and contribute, gaining a lot in efficiency.”

Óscar Gómez Sanz, CEO, Garsa.